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005 | Interview with Kayleigh Durm

Show Notes

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  • 00:23 Welcome and intro

  • 00:57 Guest intro - Kayleigh Durm: author of Ready all, row  - our very first guest!

  • 01:28 Kayleigh’s start as a coxswain - freshman year in High School

  • 04:00 What surprised Kayleigh about coxing - the thought and strategy that goes into it

  • 06:15 Breana’s start as a coxswain and the importance of Kayleigh’s blog as a resource

  • 07:41 The start and evolution of Ready all, row  

  • 12:41 Lack of coaching and resources for coxes

  • 14:58 Kayleigh:  “Coxswains need to know there are people in their corner”

  • 17:23 How hard it can be for coxes to ask for help

  • 19:23 Breana talks about how rowers receive ongoing instruction but many coxes do not

  • 21:28 Kayleigh comments lack of coaching for coxes - and what coaches can do

  • 24:49 Kayleigh talks about coxswain development - interpersonal and internal skills first - then technical skills

  • 26:20 Sally describes how many people think coxes come ‘fully formed’

  • 28:31 Kayleigh offers more advice to coaches

  • 29:53 Kayleigh: “ I think the biggest thing that they have to do is lean into their curiosity.”

  • 32:10 If you have questions, start with the people on your team

  • 33:00 Sally asks how you can be competitive, yet supportive and Kayleigh responds

  • 37:22 Breana shares her thoughts on assumptions about coxes

  • 39:10 Discussion about importance of sharing and collegiality

  • 42:17 Kaleigh suggests reframing how you think about asking questions

  • 43:38 Question and answer about how coxes can approach coaches for help

  • 47:24 Kayleigh: “Your end goal is to improve your working relationship with them and help them understand what you need from them, while also doing what they need you to do as an athlete.”

  •  50:21 Sally asks about how to accept feedback that is technical and not personal - Kayleigh responds and then Breana comments

  • 1:02:00 Kayleigh talks about the importance of vulnerability

  • 1:04:16 How to get in touch with Kayleigh

  • 1:05:32 Quick pick - Breana’s rowing-related escape room

  • 1:06:28 Shout-out

  • 1:06:54 Closing words

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