013 | Landing
Show Notes
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00:23 Intro
01:42 You must ALWAYS respect mass - you’re trying to attach a vessel in a fluid reactive medium to a large solid object
02:20 A bit of wisdom from Sally - coxswains only get to practice docking once every practice whereas rowers get to practice thousands of strokes
03:45 First step is evaluating environmental factors you need to consider - docking pre-work
04:41 Understanding your crew and its capabilities - how responsive they are affects your calls
07:48 What happens when rowers try to insert themselves into the landing process
09:18 The importance of landing at the appropriate time
11:19 The impact of rain
12:06 Dealing with currents and wind
15:10 Docking at your home site versus another venue (e.g. at a regatta)
18:30 What about people on the dock helping? Pros and cons and how to handle this..
24:50 We each describe our ideal docking scenario - how we prefer to execute landings
33:19 More safety considerations - especially watch those hands
36:00 Equipment can be replaced - people cannot
37:07 Special scenarios and challenges - wind; ending up with the dock just outside the grasp of the crew
40:27 It’s ok to back up and try again
41.08 Chuck Yeager quotes
42:07 Landing on tall floating docks
45:53 Quick Pick - thanking people who have helped us land
46.18 Shout Out - each and every successful landing
46:34 Closing