017 | Head Racing: Chute to Finish Line
Show Notes
(photo courtesy of Hope Wilkinson)
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Head of the Fish regatta packet: https://regatta.saratogarowing.com/head-of-the-fish/
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00:23 Intro
01:10 Last minute things to do just before heading into the chute
03:02 What is the chute and key goals while in the chute?
04:00 Challenges in the chute and some ways we manage them
11:10 How Sally approaches the start line
12:40 Breana’s approach to the start line
13:54 Anne’s approach to the start line
14:20 Strategies for what happens after going over the start line
17:58 Planning and executing positioning and the best course
18:33 The impact of a boat’s wake – that ‘dirty water’
20:04 Passing and being passed
25:13 What happens if a boat won’t yield?
27:12 ‘Stuff happens’ – talking about crashes
32:24 Dealing with being passed
34:46 Head races are long – and sometimes there is no passing – you’re out there alone
41:35 Turns (more details in a future episode)
43:18 Buoys and buoy lines
45:43 Watch out for potential oncoming traffic from boats in the travel lane
48:14 The sprint and going over the finish line
50:45 Quick Pick – 30 Days to Head of the Charles
51.36 Shout Out – really great regatta packets
52:32 Closing